Jag satt och letade information om The xx på det stora internet och hittade en grymt träffsäker beskrivning på allmusic skriven av en James Christophe Monger:
Atmospheric English indie pop quartet the xx formed in London in 2008 around the talents of Romy Madley Croft, Oliver Sim, Baria Qureshi, and Jamie Smith, when the bandmembers were still in high school. Captivating and cool, the group cites influences that run the gamut from R&B (Aaliyah and Rhianna) to classic alternative rock (the Cure and the Pixies). Built around the duel vocals of Croft and Sim, the group's signature brand of moody, soulful indie rock first appeared on the public radar in early 2009 with the single "Crystalised," which created a huge buzz among critics and fans alike. The xx released their debut LP in July of that year in the U.K.; it was released in the U.S. the following month.
Bra jobbat herr Monger! Missa för övrigt inte Heart Skipped A Beat och den sköna varma 80-talsgitarren i Infinity som kunde varit direkt tagen från Chris Isaaks Wicked game. Eller är jag helt ute och cyklar? Provlyssna nedan!
Vår kära Chris Isaak har spelat denna låten många gånger i sitt liv!
Lyssna i Spotify vetja!
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